For medical spa practices, Google Ads offers a highly effective means of attracting new patients and increasing traffic. In this informative article, we will explore the workings of Google Ads and outline the optimal campaign structure for your business.

So, what exactly is Google Ads? Formerly known as Google Adwords, it is a sophisticated system utilized to deliver targeted content and services to customers. By strategically aligning broad and specific keywords with customer searches, this platform generates valuable leads.

Table of Contents:

1. Understanding Google Ads
   1.1. Pay-Per-Click Advertising vs. Search Engine Optimization
   1.2. A Step-by-Step Guide to Creating a Google Ad Account for Your Medical Practice
2. Designing a Google Ads Campaign for Your Medical Spa Clinic
   2.1. Determining Your Advertising Objectives
   2.2. Selecting Your Desired Demographic for a Successful Medical Spa Marketing Campaign
3. Constructing an Ad Group for Your Medical Spa Campaign
   3.1 What are Ad Groups
4. Composing a Google Text Ad for a Medical Spa
   4.1 Headlines
   4.2 Display Path
   4.3 Description
   4.4 Final URL
5. Completing Your Private Practice Google Ad Campaign
6. Monitoring Conversions and Results of Your Medical Spa Advertisement
   6.1   Tracking Performance Metrics
   6.2 Integrating Google Ad Conversions into Your Cosmetic Private Clinic Website
   6.3 Generating a Tag for Your Cosmetic Private Practice Site
7. Understanding Landing Pages
8. Essential Keywords to Include in Your Cosmetic Advertisement
   8.1 Different Types of Keywords
9. Restricted Keywords to Exclude From Your Healthcare Cosmetic Ad
   9.1. Key Advertising Policies to Review in the Medical Field
   9.2. Keywords to Steer Clear of for Compliance
   9.3. Staying Compliant and Avoiding Disapproval
10. Top Landing Page Builders for Healthcare Practices
   10.1 Instapage
   10.2 Unbounce
   10.3 Elementor Plugin for WordPress

1. Understanding Google Ads

Google Ads for Medical Spa Practices is a highly effective method for driving traffic to your website, even though it involves paying for advertising. These types of platforms are commonly referred to as Pay-Per-Click (PPC) campaigns, where you are charged for each click on your ad.

In this article, we will focus on Google Search Ads, which are ads that you pay for to appear on the Google Search Results Page. If someone searches for related products or services, they will see these text ads. Running a Google Search Ad allows you to target your desired audience, specifically those searching for a cosmetic surgeon on Google. It’s a simple and logical choice.

1.1. Pay-Per-Click Advertising vs. Search Engine Optimization

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a method of attracting website traffic through organic techniques. This involves optimizing both the content and technical aspects of your website, as well as obtaining backlinks and writing quality articles. With SEO for Plastic Surgeons, you will usually see the most relevant organic content listed near the top of the search results. For example, if someone searches for “Body Sculpting,” they will find informative articles about cosmetic and Medical Spa or potential treatments for body sculpting.

While SEO does not provide immediate results like PPC, it is a long-term strategy that ultimately achieves similar goals. In the marketing world, the term “organic” means you cannot pay to have your site appear at the top of the search results. Instead, you must invest time and effort into creating valuable content and obtaining organic traffic. This process typically takes a minimum of five months.

On the other hand, Google Ads provides more immediate results. By running a Google Ads campaign, your ads can appear on the search results page the same day. Our clients usually experience a 1.5x increase in new patients within the first 2-3 months.

With Google Ads, you have complete control over your campaign and ad groups. You can start, stop, and modify your ads to better target your desired audience. However, having this level of control does not guarantee direct traffic. It’s important to analyze why certain groups of people did not click on your ad and make adjustments for future campaigns.

If you want to increase your website traffic.

It’s Time to Get Started!

1.2. A Step-by-Step Guide to Creating a Google Ad Account for Your Medical Practice

To begin, log in to your Google Ads account using your Google Gmail credentials.

If you prefer not to use your current Gmail account, you can create a separate account specifically for your medical practice and link it to your Google Ads account. Once you’ve done this, visit to create your Google Ads account. On the homepage, click “Start now.”

2. Designing a Google Ads Campaign for Your Medical Spa Clinic

Below are step-by-step guidelines to enhance your experience with Google Ads when starting your first advertising campaign for your Medical Spa Clinic.

2.1. Determining Your Advertising Objectives

When you access the initial page of Google Ads, you will need to answer a few questions to determine the main goal of your advertisement. If you’re familiar with Google Ads or have used it before, you can switch to the “expert mode” to access additional features like ad groups.

Let’s click on “switch to expert mode” to explore how to add ad groups and keywords.

After clicking the button, click “next” to proceed.

For this campaign, let’s focus on promoting a Medical Spa Business.

Click on “create a campaign without goal guidance” and a second tab will appear. In this tab, click on “Search.”

Once the third drop-down menu appears, you will have three options for your ad campaign. Choose “website visit.”

The final drop-down menu will prompt you to provide a campaign description. After finalizing these details, click “Continue.”

2.2. Selecting Your Desired Demographic for a Successful Medical Spa Marketing Campaign

On this page, you will need to select where you want your ad to appear. For example, if you want to advertise a Medical Spa Clinic in the U.S., click on “The United States” and then select your desired city.

After choosing the location, select the language you want your ad to be displayed in or the language spoken by your potential patients. If we choose the United States, let’s select “English” for this scenario.

When targeting your Medical Spa demographic, consider including audience types such as “beauty & wellness” or “beauty & personal care.” However, there might not be an option to select your audience as “patients”, as it is a broad term without a specific theme.

Targeting a selected audience helps increase impressions and drive traffic from users who share similar attributes with the service or product you are advertising.

Next, set your budget for the Medical Spa ad campaign. Adjust the currency if it doesn’t match the demographic or location you are targeting.

At the bottom of the page, you can choose to focus on metrics such as the number of clicks, conversion rate, or impressions.

Once you’ve completed this section, proceed to the next page.

3. Creating an Ad Group for Your Medical Spa Campaign

Now it’s time to create your Ad Groups.

3.1 What are Ad Groups

Ad Groups comprise various ads that target related keywords. These groups allow for diverse themes and encompass multiple keywords.

When creating your first Ad Group, consider the following factors:

  • The type of audience you want to attract
  • Your budget
  • The service or product you are promoting

On the following page, let’s create your medical spa ad groups.

For instance, if our campaign is about “Medical Spa” suitable ad groups could include “face procedures,” “breast enhancement,” and “body contouring.” If we name our first ad group “face procedures,” we would need relevant keywords for that group.

Once you’ve chosen the name for your ad group, a drop-down menu will appear, allowing you to add keywords related to that specific theme. Some suitable keywords for the “face procedures” group could be “facelift” and “rhinoplasty.” Don’t forget to repeat this process for all your ad groups. Once finished, click “Save and Continue.”

If you need assistance organizing your groups.

Feel Free to Consult Our Experts!

4. Composing a Google Text Ad for a Medical Spa

Writing your first Medical Spa Text Ad may initially seem challenging. Here are some helpful tips to guide you through the process. Below is an example of a Medical Spa ad:

4.1 Headlines

In this section, you have the option to include up to three headlines, each with a limit of 30 characters.

Including relevant keywords is advisable to improve your ad’s visibility in search results when users search for related keywords. Headlines are the first things viewers will see, so it’s essential to incorporate keywords from the beginning.

4.2 Display Path

Google Ads allows you to include up to two display paths, with a maximum of 15 characters each.

While this section is not necessary, it can make a difference to users who are curious about what they will find when they click on the ad. These display URLs are not actual URLs, but rather provide a brief description of the final URL’s destination.

4.3 Description

You have two description fields to fill, each with a maximum of 90 characters.

Use this space wisely by including relevant content that appeals to your ideal customers. Numbers and offers, such as discounts, tend to attract customers’ attention. Avoid using jargon or generic descriptions. Instead, be creative and get straight to the point in your ad description.

4.4 Final URL

This is the main domain of your website that customers will click on to reach your landing page.

Ensure that the landing page is relevant to the advertised content, providing a positive user experience for visitors.

For more information on writing effective text ads for your Medical Spa practice, you can refer to our article on best practices for creating successful Google text ads.

5. Completing Your Private Practice Google Ad Campaign

Now that your private practice Google Ad campaign is complete, it’s important to review your account and check all the details of your Medical Spa ad in case you want to make any further changes.

Key Areas to Monitor in Your Google Ads Account:

  • Impressions
  • Clicks
  • Cost
  • Timing of changes made
  • Relevant search phrases

6. Monitoring Conversions and Results of Your Medical Spa Advertisement

6.1 Tracking Performance Metrics

By implementing conversion tracking, you can effectively assess the success of your cosmetic ad campaign, including sales, leads, and the number of patients and clients who contact your private practice using the provided phone number. This data enables you to identify the high-performing aspects of your Medical Spa ad campaign and make necessary adjustments to improve those areas that require optimization, such as the:

  • Text ad
  • Bids
  • Keywords
  • Landing page

6.2 Integrating Google Ad Conversions into Your Cosmetic Private Clinic Website

1. Define your goal for this process.

2. Access “Tools and Settings”, navigate to “Measurement” and select “Conversions”

3. Click on “+ Conversions” to initiate the process and open the “Start tracking conversions” page.

4. Opt for the “Website” category as we aim to track this specific area of your cosmetic clinic website.

5. Select “purchase” to determine another area to track within the website.

6. Proceed to set up the details for “value” and “count” Once completed, click “create and continue”

6.3 Generating a Tag for Your Cosmetic Private Practice Site

Creating a tag allows you to generate a comprehensive report on actions taken by potential clients after clicking on your ad, such as purchases, emails, or sign-ups for the advertised cosmetic services. This valuable feedback enables you to optimize your private practice site based on user actions. 

Through customized tags, you can track specific actions and make modifications to your Medical Spa site accordingly.

1. Copy the two provided codes to set up your code snippet.

2. Opt for using Google Tag Manager for code installation.

3. Open Google Tag Manager (or create an account if needed) and click on “New Tag.”

4. Within the New Tag section, navigate to “Tag Configuration” and select “Google Ads Conversion Tracking.”

5. Paste the conversion ID and conversion label in the respective fields, ensuring to fill out all other required details.

6. In this section, you will be able to paste the conversion ID and conversion label. Don’t forget to fill out all the other key areas.

7. Proceed to the “Triggering” section and click the “+” button to create a new Trigger.

8. In the Trigger Configuration page, select “Page View” and specify the pages of your cosmetic website to trigger the tag.

9. Add the page’s URL.html that should activate the tag in the last section, Page URL.

10. After completing these steps and saving, the Google ad conversion will be implemented on all pages that have the corresponding code attached. You will then receive notifications about user actions on those selected pages.

7. Understanding Landing Pages

A landing page serves as a destination where you direct clients based on your specific business objectives, such as selling products or providing services. For instance, if your objective is to attract more rhinoplasty patients, your landing page will focus on showcasing rhinoplasty services offered by your Medical Spa.

The purpose of landing pages in advertising is to achieve business targets and attract a significant number of patients. Elements commonly found on a landing page include the

  • home page
  • support button
  • blog posts
  • call to action
  • contact information
  • hero shot
  • brief description of what is being advertised
  • testimonials
  • supporting images or video content.

For effective Medical Spa landing pages, simplicity and conciseness are crucial. The goal is to deliver a specific message that persuades patients to choose your cosmetic procedure and helps you achieve your business objectives. 

It’s important not only to provide all the necessary information but also to have an appealing design. Having too many or too few images can negatively impact the number of visitors to your page.

Here are some key qualities of a good landing page:

  • Clearly state a call to action, such as “Get A Private Consult Today!”
  • Use eye-catching images that represent your content.
  • Address the potential problems your audience may be facing.
  • Offer a solution to the problem and explain how your product or service can resolve their dilemma.

8. Essential Keywords to Include in Your Cosmetic Advertisement

There are a few things to keep in mind when constructing your landing page for your plastic surgery site.

  1. “Keywords” are necessary for your cosmetic site.
  2. What words or phrases are needed in your cosmetic landing page?
  3. Three Terms to Focus on:
  • Exact Match Keywords
  • Negative Keywords
  • Broad Match Modifier

8.1 Different Types of Keywords

Exact Match Keywords: These keywords are specifically tailored to match the parameters entered. Exact Match Keywords allow you to control the audience that can view your ad, targeting clients who are interested in your cosmetic practice. While the number of impressions may not be as high compared to other keyword options, the click-through rates (CTR) will significantly improve.

Example 1: Keyword [breast reduction], Search breast reduction

Example 2: Keyword [plastic surgeons near me], Search plastic surgeons near me

Example 3: Keyword [best surgeons (city you are in)], Search best surgeons (city you are in)

Negative Keywords:

These keywords serve the purpose of eliminating unwanted traffic to your cosmetic ad. To utilize negative keywords effectively, you should include any closely related terms, such as singular and plural forms of the keyword, as well as common misspellings to ensure they do not generate any irrelevant traffic.

For negative keywords, remember to include a “-” sign before the keyword itself. These keywords help in filtering search queries so that our keywords align with the desired parameters.

Example 1: Keyword -medical school, Search clinic

Example 2: Keyword -rhino, Search rhinoplasty

Example 3: Keyword -private practice license, Search credibility

Broad Match Modifier: These keywords are ideal when you aim to reach a large audience while maintaining specificity. To use these keywords, you need to include a “+” sign before the keyword.

BMM ensures a close variant of the keyword matches the search, but it doesn’t account for synonyms. The order of the keyword doesn’t matter as it can be rearranged, but all keyword sets within the BMM parameters must be present.

Example 1: Keyword +gender +surgery, Search gender confirmation surgery

Example 2: Keyword +gynecomastia +men, Search gynecomastia for men

Example 3: Keyword +cosmetic +surgery, Search cosmetic plastic surgery

9. Restricted Keywords to Exclude From Your Healthcare Cosmetic Ad

9.1. Key Advertising Policies to Review in the Medical Field

While advertising covers a wide range of topics, there are specific restrictions to be aware of before launching a medical ad. For instance, healthcare-related content cannot include keywords associated with illegal drugs or procedures conducted in certain private practices.

These rules vary across countries and states due to different regulations and laws. It’s important to note that these rules apply to the Google Ads platform, although similar policies may exist on other platforms. If a clinic’s advertising content does not meet Google Ads’ policy requirements, it will be disapproved and blocked from appearing on Google.

For more information on healthcare policies for Google Ads, please refer to this website:

9.2. Keywords to Steer Clear of for Compliance

When creating advertisements for your healthcare practice, it’s crucial to refrain from using the following banned keywords in your ad.

Require assistance with selecting the appropriate keywords to target?

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9.3. Staying Compliant and Avoiding Disapproval

While certain keywords may be banned, some can still be used with certified pharmaceutical licenses. However, it’s important to note that each country may have its own specific regulations to adhere to. Therefore, it’s crucial to check their individual policies before creating your ad.

For more information on healthcare-related ad policies in different countries, please visit our website and navigate to the section titled ‘How does this policy differ from country to country?’. There, you will find a dropdown menu to select the country you are interested in, which will provide you with detailed information on their advertisement policies.

10. Top Landing Page Builders for Healthcare Practices

10.1 Instapage

Landing Pages play a vital role in Google ads marketing, but not everyone has a background in web development. Instapage is a user-friendly software program that assists both marketers and plastic surgeons in creating visually appealing landing pages without requiring any coding knowledge.

Key Highlights of Using Instapage:

  • Incorporate Instapage widgets that enable buttons for clients to navigate within the landing page, such as accessing specific cosmetic services offered by a clinic.
  • Access to over 200 different templates.
  • Convenient drag and drop feature for quick landing page creation.

Instapage also ensures that its pages are mobile-friendly, making it ideal for those on the go or primarily advertising through mobile devices.

One of the advantages of using software applications like Instapage is that each has its own unique features. For instance, Instapage offers integration options with platforms like Paypal or Shopify eCommerce Store, allowing patients to purchase cosmetic products directly through the landing page.

It’s a user-friendly tool that greatly benefits healthcare practitioners who lack website design expertise. Similar to popular platforms such as Wix, Instapage makes creating drag-and-drop landing pages a breeze.

10.2 Unbounce

Unbounce was among the pioneering applications in the market, known for enhancing marketers’ conversion rates and attracting customers, particularly in the cosmetic industry, thanks to its eye-catching layout and templates.

Unbounce utilizes a drag and drop interface, making it simple to create effective landing pages for your cosmetic campaigns.

Some notable features in Unbounce’s menu options include:

  • Ability to download files and content.
  • Integration of social media platforms on the page.
  • Incorporating videos and maps, such as showcasing the location of a private practice or displaying patient testimonials.


  • Automatic A/B testing.
  • Integration with WordPress.
  • High degree of flexibility when setting up landing pages.


  • Limited number of publishable pages.
  • Occasionally, the mobile editor has difficulty switching back to regular desktop form.

10.3 Elementor Plugin for WordPress

Elementor Plugin is a user-friendly software, and even its basic version is free. The application’s drag and drop feature allows for seamless page creation.

Elementor is renowned for its wide range of themes, templates, and continuous updates with new features.

Exciting Features With Elementor:

  • Mobile preview option, enabling clients to view your page on the go.
  • Ability to customize features and styling for your page.
  • Elementor Pro unlocks additional features like custom CSS, pro templates and sections, and more.

Looking for expert assistance in running your ads and creating landing pages for your Medical Spa practice?

We’ve got you covered. Our team possesses the expertise and knowledge to deliver exceptional results. Book a free consultation with us today and witness the growth of your practice!